Sample Grafana In Kubernetes


Grafana In Kubernetes

In this demonstration we will use the Agilicus Connector to securely, simply expose a Grafana service running inside a Kubernetes cluster.


In this demonstration we will use the Agilicus Connector to securely, simply expose a Grafana service running inside a Kubernetes cluster.

This will work for clusters that have no Ingress, no LoadBalancer, no public IP. It will allow you to add any user, from any identity provider, with a simple single-sign-on. If you push alerts via a Chat channel, you can just click on the link to get to the graph, no VPN.

First, install the Agilicus Connector in your Kubernetes cluster.

Second, create the Grafana Application in the Admin web interface.

2efb2e52 image

The application name will become the hostname (e.g. here we will have https://grafana.MYDOMAIN)

c0fd0742 image

You may use a pattern-based name (APPNAME.MYDOMAIN), or, a specific hostname (e.g. my-grafana).

7660800f image

Here we will use the Kubernetes Connector we created earlier.

6cc3dfbd image

For this demonstration we use TLS from user to the connector in your Kubernetes cluster. If there is a desire for fine-grained audit, use the other option.

852b3630 image

The hostname will be with respect to CoreDNS in your cluster. In this case, we have installed grafana in the ‘grafana’ namespace, so it is http://grafana.grafana:3000

2efc8319 image

We select ‘authenticated by proxy’. In this case, no traffic will hit Grafana except for authenticated, authorised users.

27b38869 image

You may choose to allow everyone access, or create specific groups.

97faa0a1 image

We are now complete. Hit APPLY, and wait 2-3 minutes, then enter https://grafana.MYDOMAIN in your browser.

6b689de1 image

Auto-Sign-In, Auto-User-Create (Optional)

The authenticating proxy sets various headers in a trusted fashion. These include:

Remote_org_id: <GUID>
Remote_user: <email>
Remote_user_id: <GUID>
X-Gateway-Org: <GUID>
X-Gateway-Primary-Role: <role name>
X-Gateway-Roles: <map appname: array role name>
X-Gateway-Tokenid: <GUID>
X-Gateway-User: <GUID>
X-Gateway-User-Email: <email>

In Grafana, in its config, this section can be configured. if so, the end-user will auto-login (create on first use) with no provisioning.

enabled = true
header_name = Remote_user
header_property = username
auto_sign_up = true