Various errors can occur during the user sign-in process. These range from a lack of authorisation, improper identity, missing or incorrect multi-factor authentication, etc. The user will receive a notification in the browser for each, and those message in turn will point to the various specific messages here.
Message: User is unauthorized. You do not have all the required roles to use this application.
– Check with your administrator to request access.
– Please do not bookmark or reload.
Correlation Id: horhpxP4Wpx8ZmhMwFppRm
Request Id: dWxUpfg9pHwacBUrpBvwbd
Message Id: id-insufficient-roles
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562761388 +0000 UTC
Note this can occur if the user declines the Authentication Consent flow from Microsoft Entra (see
Message: Login session expired.
– Please retry sign in
– If this issue persists please contact your administrator.
– Please do not bookmark or reload.
Correlation Id: gW2xgGTkDXBgGxkeSfE6iP
Request Id: qEr4F4KoS2ja5d6wZWQSo8
Message Id: id-signin-session-expired
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562804481 +0000 UTC
Message: Unable to enroll user in multi-factor authentication. You don’t currently have any of your organisation’s supported multi-factor authentication methods enrolled and your enrollment attempt is outside the enrollment period set by your organisation.
– Please contact your system administrator.
Correlation Id: ms2ZbTULdw9tLqS8QLTjED
Request Id: jEd82e4F3sQEwZErmEFWeH
Message Id: id-mfa-enrollment-error
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.5628225 +0000 UTC
Message: User does not exist.
– Please do not bookmark or reload.
– Please contact your system administrator.
Correlation Id: ARGphvHQKqK6nthAcxH56E
Request Id: mGYaNtspx9G6pbRTmPf4Ko
Message Id: id-no-user-found
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562887174 +0000 UTC
– Please retry sign in.
Correlation Id: Zq4t9tQuKqR39ZwQQUaMuE
Request Id: Mo7F8HJvPd82HDmfbBKCVh
Message Id: id-failed-mfa-challenge
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562908755 +0000 UTC
Message: Logout complete. Your application did not redirect you back to its homepage, or it failed to do so.
– Please navigate to it in order to sign in again.
Correlation Id: BGbadbNDAEnavjeEEMceqL
Request Id: c9GwZgfZWXttpzweVdxvq6
Message Id: id-logout-redirect
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562926844 +0000 UTC
Message: An invalid redirect URI was encountered during sign in.
– Please retry sign in.
Correlation Id: Vu2KHEkmreAaDmXS86tz4m
Request Id: 4MdWDJfeAuavPTFs5LFpLK
Message Id: id-invalid-redirect-uri
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562944933 +0000 UTC
– You may have signed into the wrong provider.
– If this issue persists please contact your administrator.
– Please do not bookmark or reload.
Correlation Id: LoNQiSfSkUP5yVaT59qpAY
Request Id: rs5giDgcZVjsfmC3DezXxP
Message Id: id-multiple-upstream-identities
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562869154 +0000 UTC
– Please do not bookmark or reload.
– Please contact your system administrator.
Correlation Id: Gsy6HMDsQGNUXY9Zzp6yHB
Request Id: 9NuHcNsD663wDCsE2QGFrF
Message Id: id-signin-denied
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562847224 +0000 UTC
Message: Upstream connection failed
– The upstream host could be down
– Please retry; if the error persists contact your IT Administrator
Correlation Id: Gsy6HMDsQGNUXY9Zzp6yHB
Request Id: 9NuHcNsD663wDCsE2QGFrF
Message Id: id-upstream-host-down
Timestamp: 2022-12-09 20:51:04.562847224 +0000 UTC
Message: Failed to initialize authentication
– Please retry. If the error persists contact your IT Administrator
Correlation Id: Gsy6HMDsQGNUXY9Zzp6yHB
Request Id: 9NuHcNsD663wDCsE2QGFrF
Message Id: id-authentication-failure
Timestamp: 2024-10-09 11:23:04.782847224 +0000 UTC