Putting the WHO to work
A User is an identify which can authenticate against the Agilicus AnyX platform
A “User” is an identity which has a set of authorisations, a set of permissions. A user may be identified by one or more Identity Providers (e.g. Azure Active Directory, Google, Apple, etc.)
Users’ may be collected into groups, and, groups behave the same as a user for permission purposes. Groups may also aggregate other groups.
Identity Provider
An Identity Provider authenticates a user. It may do this with a password, with biometric, or with any trustworthy means. Agilicus acts as an Identity Provider for your applications.
Upstream Issuer
An Upstream Issuer is an Identity Provider that is federated in to the Identity Provider. This might include Apple, Google, Azure, Okta, Auth0, etc. The Upstream Issuer acts to authenticate a user.