WAGO Edge Controller


WAGO Edge Controller

The WAGO Edge Controller is a flexible and open control platform for many embedded and industrial applications. It provides an excellent vantage point to run the Agilicus Connector.

WAGO Edge Controller

The WAGO Edge Controller is a flexible and open control platform for many embedded and industrial applications. It provides an excellent vantage point to run the Agilicus Connector.

The below instructions were tested on firmware 04.04.03(26) on the following devices:

WAGO Compact Controller CC100 751-9301

WAGO Controller PFC200 750-8212

There are two deployment methods available on the platform:

  1. Native Install. The Agilicus Connector runs as part of the baremetal Host Linux distribution
  2. Docker Install. The WAGO Edge Controller runs a container runtime

Since the Agilicus Connector has no local state other than the encryption keys, there is no specific preference as to which method to choose. If you are using Service Forwarders inbound to the device, you will likely want the native install to enable Machine to Machine communication from a local network.



Agilicus AnyX uses modern cryptography which requires proper time. Please ensure NTP is configured.


In order to deploy the Agilicus Connector successfully the following steps should be undertaken

  • Verify that sufficient (~200MB) disk space or expanded storage is available (Typical 1.1GB onboard eMMC available)
  • Enable SSH terminal access via Web UI
  • Configure and Sync NTP based time
  • Have WAN access with DNS resolution and network segmentation permitting the Controller to reach the Agilicus AnyX cloud IP address over TLS

Confirm SSH is Enabled:

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Confirm that your Controller has access to a local or remote NTP Server in order to maintain accurate time

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Option 1. Native Install

The WAGO Edge Controller natively supports the Agilicus Connector. Install the connector as usual, selecting ‘Linux’, and paste the given command into an administrative (root) shell via SSH.

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The results will look as below:

You can verify the Agilicus Connector instance status in the Connector Overview interface.

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Option 2. Docker Install


Currently the docker installation support is restricted to 64bit ARMv8 architecture. Support for the 32bit ARMv7 is pending, we recommend Option 1 for these models. Contact us if you are unsure which architecture your controller uses.

Additional Requirements

As a primer, make sure to consult the WAGO documentation for the latest supported hardware and configurations of Docker.

If using Docker, make sure you understand the requirements of installing and running Docker service on the controllers with the WAGO Quickstart Guide on Docker available here:


  • Verify that the WAGO Controller model supports Docker
  • Deploy and Enable Docker via Web UI

Confirm Docker is enabled on the device by logging into the Web Interface:

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SSH to the Controller with the admin credentials and elevate your session to root privileges:

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Verify that docker is installed:

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Create and Deploy AnyX Connector

Navigate to your Agilicus AnyX Admin page for your organisation and create a new connector instance under Resources -> Connectors -> New

Once created, proceed with Installation and select the Docker tab in the installation menu:

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Copy the text block by clicking on the blue “Copy” icon.

Paste the text block in your Controller SSH Session:

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Verify that docker is now running an ‘agilicus-connector’ container

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Verify in the Agilicus AnyX admin interface that the connector instance is up and communicating with the cloud platform. The Instance dialog should display the WAGO controller hostname and a status of GOOD:

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If the docker installation fails or the container fails to start, running docker logs will provide a lengthy and verbose output of the installation and initialisation process of the container.

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