In EMAIL STRICT TRANSPORT SECURITY WITH MTA-STS I wrote about the challenges of setting up Email Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS). Here at Agilicus we believe in encryption for all, so much so that we’ve placed our domains in the browser preload lists. But, that left a hole in good old SMTP, which I resolved with that setup using a new pod on Kubernetes to act as the server/agent.
Today we received our first report, from Microsoft, showing that yes it is working. Good to know!
{"organization-name":"Microsoft Corporation","date-range":{"start-datetime":"2020-08-25T00:00:00Z","end-datetime":"2020-08-25T23:59:59Z"},"contact-info":"","report-id":"","policies":[{"policy":{"policy-type":"sts","policy-string":["version:STSv1","mode:testing","","","","","","max_age:604800"]},"summary":{"total-successful-session-count":2,"total-failure-session-count":0}}]}