
Get Thee From BGP Rockwell: Ethernet/IP Is not Internet

Rockwell Automation has issued an urgent directive “IMPORTANT NOTICE: Rockwell Automation Reiterates Customer Guidance to Disconnect Devices from the Internet to Protect from Cyber Threats”.

Amongst the reasons given (other than the obvious, these devices have negligible security, control things which might be dangerous) are these CVE. But really, this is just a starting point, you need a firewall that confirms identity between the PLC and the net, in both directions.

CVE IDAdvisory
CVE-2021-22681CISA | Rockwell Automation Logix Controllers (Update A)
CVE-2022-1159CISA | Rockwell Automation Studio 5000 Logix Designer
CVE-2023-3595CISA | Rockwell Automation Select Communication Modules
CVE-2023-46290CISA | Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Services Platform
CVE-2024-21914CISA | Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View ME
CVE-2024-21915CISA | Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Service Platform
CVE-2024-21917CISA | Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Service Platform

This got me thinking, surely no one would do that, right? One second, let me duck into and see. OK, people do. The ‘myvzw’ is a Verizon sim card or Mifi type device. The one below is same but for AT&T. Indeed you can directly operate these PLC’s from the public Internet without any security, any authentication, any authorisation.

In “Howto: Open Source Intelligence and your Digital Footprint” I show some of the techniques you can use.