Agilicus AnyX versus Cloudflare Zero Trust
“Cloudflare Zero Trust replaces legacy security perimeters with Cloudflare’s global network, making the Internet faster and safer for teams around the world. … evolve your network and security architecture to our SASE platform.”.
Compare this with Agilicus AnyX.
Agilicus AnyX versus Cloudflare Zero Trust
Cloudflare Zero Trust is a SASE platform designed for protecting team members outbound connectivity, including features around Document Leakage Protection, Cloud Access Security Broker. It operates by becoming your DNS authoritative server and creating a custom name for each resource. It uses a desktop client (Warp) as an overlay VPN that replaces your local DNS.
Cloudflare Zero Trust is a complex product which is very complicated to configure and operate, a small part of the much larger Cloudflare Content Delivery Network platform.
Below is a table contrasting some key differences, for more information or to discuss live, please contact us.
No changes to DNS setup
One-click integration to Google (Workplace, personal) identity
One-click integration to Microsoft (Azure, O365, personal) identity
Web-Application-Firewall Rewrite for Legacy Web Apps
Web-Based VNC
Web – desktop integration launch native client
Remote Desktop Gateway
SSH password injection
VNC password injection
User request / allow flow
Multi-factor authentication
Desktop application integration
Desktop start menu integration
Inbound Email Phishing scanning
End-user DNS firewall
Client-less, browser only operation
3rd party SIEM access & audit log integration
Operate without injecting new ‘trusted CA’ root
Nested multi-tenant allowing single manager of multiple customer tenants
Signed, auto-upgrading connector
OpenID Connect Identity Proxy
Intercept industrial applications without reconfigure hostnames or DNS
user/role based access control
High-availability connector
Expose filesystem as a share, mounted on local desktop
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Ready To Learn More?
Agilicus AnyX Zero Trust enables any user, on any device, secure connectivity to any resource they need—without a client or VPN. Whether that resource is a web application, a programmable logic controller, or a building management system, Agilicus can secure it with multi-factor authentication while keeping the user experience simple with single sign-on., +1 519 953-4332
300-87 King St W, Kitchener, ON, Canada. N2G 1A7